Guardians of Nature: Environmental Protection in Action

Guardians of Nature: Environmental Protection in Action

  • Primary
  • Year 1 - 6
  • English
  • Informative writing
  • Science
  • Biology
  • Humanities and Social Sciences
  • Geography
  • Civics and Citizenship
  • Environmental
  • Conservation
  • ...

This suite of lessons is designed to raise student awareness of the conservation rules and regulations of wildlife, biodiversity and land use in Victoria. In these stand-alone lessons, students will build their understanding of how individual behaviours can impact local communities and environments. 

These lessons have been developed in partnership with the Conservation Regulator, a government agency responsible for regulation of fire prevention, use of public land, wildlife and biodiversity. Through a combination of enforcement and education activities the Conservation Regulator aims to maintain the health and heritage of these landscapes for future generations to enjoy.

Tune In

Students explore how regulations and laws protect our environment and natural resources.

  • Lesson
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Looking After Places

  • Primary
  • Year 1 - 2
  • Humanities and Social Sciences
  • Geography
  • Environmental
  • Conservation
  • Social
  • Indigenous Education
  • Lesson
  • ...

Firewood: More Than Fuel

  • Primary
  • Year 3 - 4
  • Science
  • Biology
  • Environmental
  • Conservation

Find Out

Students will investigate threatened species and develop an understanding of Victoria's regulations that protect flora and fauna.

  • Lesson
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Laws for Wildlife

  • Primary
  • Year 3 - 4
  • Humanities and Social Sciences
  • Civics and Citizenship
  • Environmental
  • Conservation
  • Lesson
  • ...

Keeping the Wild in Wildlife

  • Primary
  • Year 5 - 6
  • English
  • Informative writing
  • Science
  • Biology
  • Environmental
  • Conservation

Take Action

Students will explore how physical activities can impact their local environments. 

  • Lesson
  • ...

Physical Activities and Our Environment

  • Primary
  • Year 5 - 6
  • Health and Physical Education
  • Health
  • Physical Education
  • Environmental
  • Conservation
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