Activity Summary
The animated series Bluey serves as a valuable tool in fostering children's development of imagination, curiosity, and social and emotional learning. This activity uses intentional teaching strategies to focus on the capabilities of caring and kindness. Children will play a game of tickle crabs: when the tide is in, they need to scurry about picking up food, but when the tide is out, they need to find a home to shelter in. This social-emotional game encourages caring and kindness using role-play. If children work together, they can make a home to share when the tide goes out. They can also find a way back to the beach with care and kindness from their friends.
Learning intentions:
This suite of resources has been designed to provide opportunities for children to explore social and emotional learning through imaginative play and also supports oral language development through a values framework. Each activity uses intentional teaching strategies to develop a specific value. This activity focuses on...

Click here for a full list of the values that underpin these activities.
This activity showcases a Bluey episode, which can be viewed on ClickView or iview.
Activity guides and printables
Activity details
Curriculum Mapping
Learning Outcome 5: Children are effective communicators
- 5.1 Children interact verbally and non,verbally with others for a range of purposes
- 5.2 Children engage with a range of texts and gain meaning from these texts
- 5.3 Children express ideas and make meaning using a range of media
- 5.4 Children begin to understand how symbols and pattern systems work
- 5.5 Children use information and communication technologies to access information, investigate ideas and represent their thinking
Resources Required
- Caps or hats that the children wear outside
- Coloured fabric or art smocks tops for the 10 tickle crabs (anything you have easily on hand to let the children become the crabs)
- Coloured fabric or art smocks for the rock monitors to help the tickle crabs safely under the rocks
- Eight chairs to be used as rocks which the crabs can hide under as homes
- Hi-Vis tops or other tops
- Ropes to make a crab circle: Place skipping ropes in a circle, use all that you can find to create a large circle that can fit eight chairs placed inside with room for the children to move around.
Additional Info
This is not an official Bluey lesson. does not have an official partnership with Bluey.
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