Activity Summary
The animated series Bluey serves as a valuable tool in fostering children's development of imagination, curiosity, and social and emotional learning. This activity uses intentional teaching strategies to focus on the capability of 'finding your voice'. Children discover the significance of expressing their inner thoughts and emotions openly. Utilising the zones of emotional regulation chart as a tool, they learn to articulate their concerns gently and explore creative methods to quiet their restless minds using controlled breathing. This empowering activity aims to equip children with strategies to harness the power of breath to gain control over their emotions.
Learning intentions:
This suite of resources has been designed to provide opportunities for children to explore social and emotional learning through imaginative play and also supports oral language development through a values framework. Each activity uses intentional teaching strategies to develop a specific value. This activity focuses on...
Click here for a full list of the values that underpin these activities.
This activity showcases a Bluey episode, which can be viewed on ClickView or iview.
Activity guides and printables
Activity details
Curriculum Mapping
EYLF Learning Outcome:
Outcome 2: Children are connected with and contribute to their world.
- Children develop a sense of belonging to groups and communities and an understanding of the reciprocal rights and responsibilities necessary for active community participation
- Children respond to diversity with respect
- Children become aware of fairness
- Children become socially responsible and show respect for the environment.
Resources Required
- A balloon
- Device capable of presenting a video to children
- Green zone box: box with sensory items, sculpting putty, aromatherapy spray
- Large copy of the zones of emotional regulation (A3)
- Soft materials, coloured fabrics (matching the zones of emotional regulation – red, green, blue and yellow).
Additional Info
This is not an official Bluey lesson. does not have an official partnership with Bluey.
Age group: 2 – 5 years.
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