Activity summary
Students will practice solving addition and subtraction number problems through movement. Numbers and symbols in the issues are assigned movements (such as clapping hands or running on the spot), and students will ‘dance’ out the problems and the solutions. If you have a board that you can move around, this could be a good one to take outside!
Learning intentions:
Students will...
- understand how to solve number problems.
Success criteria:
Students can...
- solve number problems using both addition and subtraction
- remember and apply different movements to numbers and symbols.
Activity guides and printables
Curriculum links
Select your curriculum from the options below.
Activity details
This lesson is designed to build students’ competencies in the following skills:
- creativity
- critical thinking
- communication
Curriculum Mapping
Australian Curriculum (v9.0) content description:
Year 1 Mathematics:
Add and subtract numbers within 20, using physical and virtual materials, part-part-whole knowledge to 10 and a variety of calculation strategies (AC9M1N04)
Year 2 Mathematics:
Add and subtract one- and two-digit numbers, representing problems using number sentences, and solve using part-part-whole reasoning and a variety of calculation strategies (AC9M2N04)
Relevant parts of Year 1 Mathematics achievement standards: Students solve problems involving addition and subtraction of numbers to 20 and use mathematical modelling to solve practical problems involving addition, subtraction, equal sharing and grouping, using calculation strategies.
Relevant parts of Year 2 Mathematics achievement standards: Students use mathematical modelling to solve practical additive and multiplicative problems, including money transactions, representing the situation and choosing calculation strategies.
NSW Syllabus outcomes: MA2-5NA
General capabilities: Numeracy
Resources Required
- A selection of number problems to suit your cohort
- Dance moves
- Space to stand and move around for all students
Additional Info
This is an original Cool+ lesson.
Level of teacher scaffolding: High - read out number problems and lead students in number dances.
Related Professional Learning
We don’t have any related professional courses for this lesson at the moment, but we do have heaps of other Cool professional learning here.
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