Meaningful Moments: Investigate the Schoolyard

Meaningful Moments: Investigate the Schoolyard

Activity 15 of 15 in this unit

  • Cool+
  • Foundation
  • Humanities and Social Sciences
  • Geography
  • Social
  • Outdoor Learning
  • ...

Activity summary

Students will take a walk around the schoolyard to notice the nature that is in the yard. Students can identify, count and describe natural features in the schoolyard.

Learning intentions:

Students will...

  • understand that sometimes we need to pay attention to really notice what is happening in nature
  • know that counting and describing what we see are great ways to pay attention to nature.

Success criteria:

Students can...

  • count features of nature
  • ask questions about and describe features of nature.

Activity guides and printables

Activity Instructions

Activity details


This lesson is designed to build students’ competencies in the following skills:

  • creativity
  • critical thinking
  • communication
  • curiosity

Curriculum Mapping

Australian Curriculum (v9.0) content description: 

Foundation Geography:

  • The features of familiar places they belong to, why some places are special and how places can be looked after (AC9HSFK03)

Relevant parts of Foundation HASS achievement standards: Students recognise the features of familiar places, why some places are special to people and the ways they can care for them.

NSW Syllabus outcomes: GE3-1

General capabilities: Critical and Creative ThinkingLiteracyNumeracyPersonal and Social Capability 

Resources Required

  • Camera (optional)
  • Drawing materials (optional)
  • Writing materials and a clipboard or notebook.

Additional Info

This is an original Cool+ lesson.

Level of teacher scaffolding: High - lead students on a walk outside, oversee discussions and record

Related Professional Learning

We don’t have any related professional courses for this lesson at the moment, but we do have heaps of other Cool professional learning here.

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