The Joy of Teaching Part 2: Putting the Best Ingredients Into the Recipe (45 minutes)

The Joy of Teaching Part 2: Putting the Best Ingredients Into the Recipe (45 minutes)

  • Cool+
  • Early Learning
  • Primary
  • Secondary
  • Social
  • Mental Health
  • Physical Health
  • Social and Emotional Learning
  • ...

Lesson Summary

We know that teaching is a job filled with challenges, but it can also be a rewarding and joyful job! This course is here to help you get the conditions right to stay connected to the most enjoyable parts of teaching. We’ll explore things like how you can use your values, utilise time management strategies, utilise colleague support, and explore the type of school you’d love to be a part of.

You will learn:

  • Strategies for managing workload and time constraints
  • How to form and maintain positive relationships with colleagues and mentors
  • Strategies for having fun and staying energised

Course time:

About 30 to 45 minutes - perfect for after work or during a spare period. You will have ongoing access via your user dashboard.

Related courses:

Trauma-Informed Responses to Challenging Behaviour
Building a Positive Classroom Culture With Our Students
Supporting Students To Learn and Develop the Skills of Behaviour
Supporting Students at Risk of Disengagement
Using Positive Psychology to Improve Teacher Wellbeing
The Joy of Teaching Part 1: Navigating Beyond the Negative Noise


This course is mapped to the following Australian Professional Teacher Standards (AITSL). Your completion can be logged as elective PD hours with your state's teaching regulatory authority.

  • 6.3.2 Engage with colleagues and improve practice
  • 7.3.2 Engage with the parents/carers
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Course Content

The Joy of Teaching Part 2: Putting the Best Ingredients Into the Recipe

The Joy of Teaching Part 2: Putting the Best Ingredients Into the Recipe

The check in
Putting your values into action
We asked teachers how understanding their own personal values helps them thrive in the classroom...
Finding those supportive peers
The importance of mentors (finding one or being one)
Focus on fun!
Prioritising the good stuff. How are we using our time?
Positive and effective communication with parents and guardians
Managing our energy
Finding the right role and the right school

Course Instructor

Megan Corcoran is a wellbeing consultant and Director at Wagtail Institute. She spent 12 years teaching and leading in alternative schools, working with young people who had experienced childhood trauma, often lived in out of home care and were experiencing disadvantage. She has a Masters in Applied Positive Psychology and teaches a Positive Psychology subject at Monash University. She is passionate about the wellbeing of students and staff in schools and loves sharing wellbeing science and trauma-informed practice with teachers.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I log this PD with my State's teaching authority?

Yes! Our courses are mapped to the Australian Professional Teacher Standards (AITSL), and your completion can be logged as elective PD hours with your state's teaching regulatory authority. To do this, grab your certificate of completion from your personal dashboard once the course is complete.

  • 6.3.2 Engage with colleagues and improve practice
  • 7.3.2 Engage with the parents/carers

How long will this take to complete?

About 30 to 45 minutes - perfect for after work or during a spare period. You will have ongoing access via your user dashboard.

How does it work?

This course is on-demand and for private study. Learn at your own pace and at times that suit you. Get a certificate when you finish. You will have ongoing access.

Is this course accredited?

While this course is not accredited by state teaching authorities, it is mapped to the national Professional Standards for Teachers. This means that you can log this course with your state regulatory authority as elective PD hours.

6.3.2 Engage with colleagues and improve practice
7.3.2 Engage with the parents/carers

Who are the instructors?

This course is designed in consultation with teachers, principals, psychologists, counsellors, scientists, and all manner of experts in the education field.'s curriculum team continually reviews and refines our resources to be in line with changes to the Australian Curriculum and best educational practice, so you can be sure your learning is at the cutting edge of education theory.

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