Lesson summary
In this activity students brainstorm waste management issues in their
classroom and develop a plan to cut the amount of solid waste in their classroom.
Learning intentions:
Students will...
- understand that we all produce solid waste, but there are steps we can all take to cut this waste.
Lesson guides and printables
Lesson details
Curriculum mapping
Australian curriculum content descriptions:
Year 3 English:
- Listen to and contribute to conversations and discussions to share information and ideas and negotiate in collaborative situations (ACELY1676)
- Plan, draft and publish imaginative, informative and persuasive texts demonstrating increasing control over text structures and language features and selecting print, and multimodal elements appropriate to the audience and purpose (ACELY1682)
Year 3 Science:
- Science knowledge helps people to understand the effect of their actions (ACSHE051)
Year 4 English:
- Plan, draft and publish imaginative, informative and persuasive texts containing key information and supporting details for a widening range of audiences, demonstrating increasing control over text structures and language features (ACELY1694)
Year 4 Science:
- Science knowledge helps people to understand the effect of their actions (ACSHE062)
Year 4 Geography:
- The use and management of natural resources and waste, and the different views on how to do this sustainably (ACHASSK090)
Syllabus Outcomes: GE2-3, ST2-11LW, EN2-2A, EN2-6B.
Time required: 60 mins.
Level of teacher scaffolding: Low – direct activity.
Resources required
- Art materials
- Computer with internet access
- Coloured sticky dots
Additional info
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