Lesson summary
This lesson will jump-start your students' skipping skills. They will learn about the fundamental movement skills of balance, coordination, and rhythm needed to become confident skippers. Students will practise these movement skills through simple group games and activities and reflect on how moving their bodies affects their hearts.
Learning intentions:
Students will...
- learn about the importance of balance, coordination and rhythm in skipping.
Success criteria:
Students can...
- move their bodies in play-based physical activities
- practise balance, coordination and rhythm in preparation for learning to skip with a jump rope
- identify how skipping helps healthy hearts.
Lesson guides and printables
Curriculum links
Select your curriculum from the options below.
Lesson details
This lesson is designed to build students’ competencies in the following skills:
- adaptability
- creative thinking
- collaboration
- communication
- empathy
- reflection
- social skills
Curriculum Mapping
Australian Curriculum (v9.0) content descriptions
Health and Physical Education, Foundation:
Students learn to
- practise fundamental movement skills in minor game and play situations (AC9HPFM01)
Health and Physical Education, Years 1 and 2:
Students learn to
- practise fundamental movement skills and apply them in a variety of movement situations (AC9HP2M01)
Relevant parts of Foundation achievement standards: Students identify how health information can be used in their lives. Students apply fundamental movement skills to manipulate objects and space in a range of movement situations. Students identify the benefits of being physically active and how rules make play fair and inclusive.
Relevant parts of Year 1 and 2 achievement standards: Students apply fundamental movement skills in different movement situations and explain how they move with objects in space effectively. They describe factors that make physical activity beneficial. Students develop and apply rules while collaborating with others in a range of movement contexts.
NSW Syllabus outcomes:
A student
- demonstrates fundamental movement skills and participates with others in physical activities (PHE-MSP-01)
- demonstrates fundamental movement skills and fair play in physical activities (PH1-MSP-01)
General capabilities: Critical and Creative Thinking, Personal and Social Capability
Cross-curriculum priority: Sustainability
Level of teacher scaffolding: High – The teacher must facilitate class discussions, scaffold students’ learning and model movement techniques.
UN Sustainable Development Goals
UN SDG 3: Ensure healthy lives and promote wellbeing for all ages
Target 3.4: By 2030, reduce by one-third premature mortality from non-communicable diseases through prevention and treatment and promote mental health and well-being.
Resources Required
- activity station equipment, such as basketballs, small balls, chalk, hula hoops
- bean bags (small)
- device capable of showing a video clip and playing music
- device for timing
- skipping ropes (appropriate size for younger students)
Additional Info
Jump Rope for Heart is the primary school skipping challenge that turns kids into Heart Heroes - everyday superheroes who are leading the fight against heart disease. In addition to moving more and having fun, our Heart Heroes raise money to help fund life-saving research that has the power to save Aussie hearts.
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