Lesson summary
Students will investigate how organisations and the wider community value diversity through the promotion of inclusion. Students will engage with several media articles and reflect on how inclusive various settings are and what impact this has on the wellbeing of people who engage with them.
Learning intentions:
Students will...
- understand the importance of inclusivity by engaging with several media pieces to determine where inclusivity has been effectively demonstrated and where more inclusive practices need to be developed.
Success criteria:
Students can...
- describe what it means to be inclusive.
- assess whether inclusivity is demonstrated or lacking in a range of community settings.
- develop a basic plan for improving inclusivity in their school and community.
Lesson guides and printables
Lesson details
This lesson is designed to build students’ competencies in the following skills:
- communication
- cultural understanding
- digital literacy
- empathy
- reflection
Curriculum Mapping
Australian Curriculum (v9.0) content description: 7 & 8, HPE
- Investigate strategies that influence how communities value diversity and propose actions they can take to promote inclusion in their communities. (AC9HP8P05)
- Investigate how media and influential people impact attitudes, beliefs, decisions and behaviours in relation to health, safety, relationships and wellbeing. (AC9HP8P09)
General capabilities: Critical and Creative Thinking, Digital Literacy, Intercultural Understanding, Personal and Social Capability.
NSW Curriculum:
- PD4-3 - Investigates effective strategies to promote inclusivity, equality and respectful relationships.
- PD4-10 - Applies and refines interpersonal skills to assist themselves and others to interact respectfully and promote inclusion in a variety of groups or contexts.
Cross-curriculum priority: Sustainability, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Histories and Cultures
Relevant parts of Year 7 & 8 achievement standards: Students analyse factors that influence identities, emotions and responses to change, and describe strategies to respond to these influences.
UN Sustainable Development Goals
UN SDG 10 Reduce inequality within and among countries
- Target 10.2 By 2030, empower and promote the social, economic and political inclusion of all, irrespective of age, sex, disability, race, ethnicity, origin, religion or economic or other status.
Resources Required
- Device capable of displaying digital content to the whole class
- Student devices with internet access
- Student worksheet (1 per student)
Additional Info
Trailblazers is a Savage Films, Milestone Films, and LM Films production by Director/Producers Maggie Miles and Maggie Eudes and Producer Lucy Maclaren.
Trailblazers tells the story of the fight for equality by Australia’s female footballers. It celebrates the rise of Australian women’s football from the early days of paying-to-play in front of small crowds to appearing in sold-out stadiums, watched by over 11 million people at the 2023 FIFA Women’s World Cup.
The Cool.org resources and impact campaign are supported by major partner MECCA M-POWER and driven by Documentary Australia. The Trailblazers campaign aims to build momentum for further progress in gender equality and leadership and to increase investment and opportunities for women and girls to participate in sports.
If Trailblazers has inspired your students to take action, they can #Blaze a Trail for gender equality by take part in campaigns and sharing their commitment with the world.
Related Professional Learning
Quick summaryThis course will introduce you to tools and methods for increasing people’s willingness to participate in change in your classroom, school or organisation. You will learn the basics of behavioural science, shared by international experts, different techniques that can increase people’s adaptability in times of change and how to create a culture where people are more willing to participate in change.
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