SugarByHalf - Multiplication and Menus

SugarByHalf - Multiplication and Menus

Lesson 4 of 4 in this unit

  • Primary
  • Year 5 - 6
  • Mathematics
  • Numbers
  • Algebra
  • Measurement
  • Geometry
  • Social
  • Mental Health
  • Physical Health
  • ...

Lesson summary

In this lesson, students practise converting numbers into percentages, and adding percentages together.

Students learn about their recommended daily intake of sugar, and practise adding different foods together to reach 100% of their daily intake. As the lesson proceeds, the questions increase in difficulty, culminating in a small research project where students find their own products, convert the sugar amount into a percentage, and then carry out basic percentage addition, thereby getting a sense of proportion around the recommended daily sugar intake. 

Learning intentions:

Students understand...

  • how to read tables and interpret the information contained within
  • how to use the information from tables and apply them to various situations.

Success criteria:

Students can...

  • extract information from a table and calculate their recommended daily energy consumption
  • develop meals based on their recommended daily energy consumption
  • use collected information to make informed decisions.

Lesson guides and printables

Lesson Plan
Teacher Content Info

Lesson details

Curriculum mapping

To view our Australian Curriculum alignment click here

To view our NZ Curriculum alignment click here

Resources required

  • Calculator
  • Computer for research 
  • Paper or workbook for writing down working

Additional info

These lessons were developed in partnership with SugarByHalf and the Australian Dental Association. 

SugarByHalf promotes action to reduce sugar-related diseases so that we can live better, stronger and healthier lives.

Their message is simple: to reduce added sugar consumption by half. Eating too much added sugar is a key driver of serious health problems including obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, tooth decay, dementia and mental health conditions. A poor diet also puts children behind their peers, affecting brain development, sleep and ability to learn. Poor diet choices ultimately mean that this generation of children could be the first in modern history to live shorter lives than their parents.

Much of the added sugar in our diet comes from the processed foods and drinks we consume. On average, we consume 14-16 teaspoons of added sugar per day. Teenagers consume more than 20 teaspoons per day. The World Health Organisation says we should limit our daily added sugar intake to 6 teaspoons for good health. To put that in perspective, there are 4 grams of sugar in one teaspoon. If something has 20 grams of sugar, that's 5 teaspoons of sugar. 

This English lesson focuses on developing the skills and knowledge students need to critically consider messages about food and drink they are exposed to, thereby equipping them to be able to make healthy choices.

Talking about health

  • Be mindful of students who may experience weight stigma. Some students may be sensitive to conversations around weight, body size or shape. Terms including obesity, weight issues, weight-problem and fat can be stigmatising for some people because they assign blame. It is important to note individual preferences around language vary. Research has shown using the terms ‘weight’, ‘weight gain’, ‘healthy weight’, ‘unhealthy weight’, and ‘high BMI’ are preferred as better alternatives.
  • Be mindful about how you use the word ‘diet’. We recommend focussing students on the positive impacts of healthy nutrition and healthy lifestyles which help us to have stronger bodies and minds, feel good and sleep well.
  • Steer students away from any focus on appearances by communicating that appearance does not determine your worth. We recommend the fact sheets from the Butterfly Foundation on body image tips.
  • Avoid using labels such as obese or diabetic. Refer to people living with diabetes, people living with cancer, people with high BMI etc
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