Lesson summary
Retired AFL star Adam Goodes is known to many for his resilient journey in the face of detrimental treatment by AFL spectators and the media beginning in 2013.
Prior to this lesson, students will need to complete a survey task about Australian values. The results of the surveys will be used in this lesson to help gain an understanding of what people think are common Australian values and experiences associated with these values. Students will then use the AFL as a case study to explore how a sporting organisation works to promote social cohesion. They will work in small groups to research and present ways in which the AFL is promoting its Corporate Social Responsibility values of ‘progressive, fair, accountable’ within the wider community, particularly in relation to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and cultures.
Learning intentions:
Students understand...
- the values people identify as being Australian and experiences associated with these values
- that people can have both positive and negative experiences associated with values
- the important role that community and sporting organisations have in promoting social cohesion
- the importance of AFL events and community programs that challenge social norms and promote social inclusion for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples
- how the AFL is promoting the values of ‘progressive, fair, accountable’ through its community programs.
Success criteria:
Students can...
- collate and discuss survey results
- explain how people’s experiences impact upon their values
- use the AFL case study to identify ways sporting organisations promote social cohesion
- identify and explain significant AFL events that challenge social norms and promote social inclusion
- explain how the AFL promotes the values of ‘progressive, fair, accountable’ in relation to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in the AFL and in the wider community.
Lesson guides and printables
Curriculum links
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Lesson details
Curriculum mapping
Australian Curriculum content descriptions:
Year 7 Civics & Citizenship:
- How values, including freedom, respect, inclusion, civility, responsibility, compassion, equality and a ‘fair go’, can promote cohesion within Australian society (ACHCK052)
- How groups, such as religious and cultural groups, express their particular identities; and how this influences their perceptions of others and vice versa (ACHCK053)
- Critically analyse information and ideas from a range of sources in relation to civics and citizenship topics and issues (ACHCS056)
- Reflect on their role as a citizen in Australia’s democracy (ACHCS060)
Syllabus outcomes: AS4.2, AS4.8, AS4.9
General capabilities: Literacy, Personal and Social Capability, Ethical Understanding, Intercultural Understanding
Cross-curriculum priority: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Histories and Cultures (OI.5, OI.9)
Relevant parts of Year 7 achievement standards: Students explain the diverse nature of Australian society and identify the importance of shared values in promoting a cohesive society
They consider different points of view on civics and citizenship issues. When planning for action, students take into account multiple perspectives to develop solutions to an issue
This lesson is part of the wider unit of work: The Final Quarter – Australian Values – Civ & Cit – Year 7
Time required: 60 mins
Level of teacher scaffolding: Medium – facilitate class discussion and promote collaborative group work.
Resources required
- Device capable of presenting a video to the class
- Significant AFL Events Factsheet – one copy, cut up (optional)
- Student Worksheets – one per student
- Values Wall Posters – one copy
This lesson is designed to build students’ competencies in the following skills:
- Communication
- Critical thinking
- Cultural understanding
- Empathy
- Ethical understanding
- Social skills
Additional info
Using only archival footage aired at the time, The Final Quarter holds a mirror to Australia and is an opportunity to reconsider what happened on and off the football field. Learn more about the film here.
We highly recommend that students view the film in its entirety before participating in subsequent lessons.
Our Watching the Film lessons are designed to support you in facilitating this process. Given the content, it is also important for teachers to communicate with parents and guardians of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students before playing the film and/or engaging with the teaching and learning resources.
Note: This film may not be suitable for viewing by all young people. Teachers are advised to use their discretion when deciding whether to show this film. If teaching in a context with a high proportion of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children, it is imperative that guidance is sought from the Principal and Aboriginal Education Officer (or equivalent) prior to screening the film.
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