Little Miss Jessica Goes to School

Little Miss Jessica Goes to School

  • Early Learning
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  • Social and Emotional Learning
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The first day of school is a big undertaking! Meeting your peers can be a daunting task, particularly when you stand out from the crowd. After reading Little Miss Jessica Goes to School, these four activities will help your children explore the concept of diversity and celebrate all the things that make us different.

About the Book

Smith, J. (2015). Little Miss Jessica Goes to School. The Aussie Hands Foundation Inc.

ISBN: 9780994327529

Little Miss Jessica is a series of children's books that focus on accepting differences, disability awareness and positive body image. The first book in the series is titled "Little Miss Jessica Goes to School" and is about Jessica's very first day. She experiences what it is like to feel different because of her appearance, but by the end of her first day at school, Jessica and all the other students in her class realise that being different is OK!

Don’t have this book at your centre? You can purchase it here.

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Difference Detectives

  • Early Learning
  • Social
  • Social and Emotional Learning
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One Hand Wonder

  • Early Learning
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  • Social and Emotional Learning
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All Bodies Bingo

  • Early Learning
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  • Social and Emotional Learning
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Language Lingo

  • Early Learning
  • Social
  • Social and Emotional Learning
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