Lesson summary
In this lesson, students will watch a 60 second challenge featuring a leader answering questions from the IMAGI-NATION Questionnaire (adapted from the Proust Questionnaire). They will learn about the difference between qualitative and quantitative data, exploring a case study of qualitative researcher, Dr Brené Brown. They will think about the trust and vulnerability involved in answering questions about yourself and when it is appropriate to share or not share personal information. Students will consider the decision that leaders have to make when they share information with the public. They will also have the opportunity to design their own questionnaire and conduct qualitative research.
Learning intentions:
Students will...
- learn about the IMAGI-NATION Questionnaire
- define key terms related to scientific research
- explore cutting edge social research relating to human emotion and trust.
Success criteria:
Students can...
- develop quality questions for different purposes
- identify when it is, and is not, appropriate to share personal information
- create boundaries to help you feel safe when sharing information.
Lesson guides and printables
Curriculum links
Select your curriculum from the options below.
Lesson details
Curriculum mapping
Choose by subject for Secondary year level mapping:
Year 7 English:
- Use comprehension strategies to interpret, analyse and synthesise ideas and information, critiquing ideas and issues from a variety of textual sources (ACELY1723)
- Plan, draft and publish imaginative, informative and persuasive texts, selecting aspects of subject matter and particular language, visual, and audio features to convey information and ideas (ACELY1725)
- Edit for meaning by removing repetition, refining ideas, reordering sentences and adding or substituting words for impact (ACELY1726)
Year 8 English:
- Use comprehension strategies to interpret and evaluate texts by reflecting on the validity of content and the credibility of sources, including finding evidence in the text for the author’s point of view (ACELY1734)
- Create imaginative, informative and persuasive texts that raise issues, report events and advance opinions, using deliberate language and textual choices, and including digital elements as appropriate (ACELY1736)
- Experiment with text structures and language features to refine and clarify ideas to improve the effectiveness of students’ own texts (ACELY1810)
Year 9 English:
- Use comprehension strategies to interpret and analyse texts, comparing and evaluating representations of an event, issue, situation or character in different texts (ACELY1744)
- Create imaginative, informative and persuasive texts that present a point of view and advance or illustrate arguments, including texts that integrate visual, print and/or audio features (ACELY1746)
- Review and edit students’ own and others’ texts to improve clarity and control over content, organisation, paragraphing, sentence structure, vocabulary and audio/visual features (ACELY1747)
Year 10 English:
- Use comprehension strategies to compare and contrast information within and between texts, identifying and analysing embedded perspectives, and evaluating supporting evidence (ACELY1754)
- Create sustained texts, including texts that combine specific digital or media content, for imaginative, informative, or persuasive purposes that reflect upon challenging and complex issues (ACELY1756)
- Review, edit and refine students’ own and others’ texts for control of content, organisation, sentence structure, vocabulary, and/or visual features to achieve particular purposes and effects (ACELY1757)
Years 7 & 8 Science:
- Scientific knowledge has changed peoples’ understanding of the world and is refined as new evidence becomes available (ACSHE119, ACSHE134)
- Solutions to contemporary issues that are found using science and technology, may impact on other areas of society and may involve ethical considerations (ACSHE120, ACSHE135)
- People use science understanding and skills in their occupations and these have influenced the development of practices in areas of human activity (ACSHE121, ACSHE136)
- Collaboratively and individually plan and conduct a range of investigation types, including fieldwork and experiments, ensuring safety and ethical guidelines are followed (ACSIS125, ACSIS140)
- Summarise data, from students’ own investigations and secondary sources, and use scientific understanding to identify relationships and draw conclusions based on evidence (ACSIS130, ACSIS145)
Years 9 & 10 Science:
- People use scientific knowledge to evaluate whether they accept claims, explanations or predictions, and advances in science can affect people’s lives, including generating new career opportunities (ACSHE160, ACSHE194)
- Values and needs of contemporary society can influence the focus of scientific research (ACSHE228, ACSHE230)
- Plan, select and use appropriate investigation types, including fieldwork and laboratory experimentation, to collect reliable data; assess risk and address ethical issues associated with these methods (ACSIS165, ACSIS199)
- Analyse patterns and trends in data, including describing relationships between variables and identifying inconsistencies (ACSIS169, ACSIS203)
- Use knowledge of scientific concepts to draw conclusions that are consistent with evidence (ACSIS170, ACSIS204)
- Evaluate conclusions, including identifying sources of uncertainty and possible alternative explanations, and describe specific ways to improve the quality of the data (ACSIS171, ACSIS205)
Years 9 Work Studies:
- Investigate a wide range of occupations, and the skills and personal qualities required in these fields (ACWSCL006)
- Identify types of workplace communication and the effect of context on the choice of communication (ACWSCL007)
- Differentiate between work-related and personal use of social media (ACWSCL008)
Year 10 Work Studies:
- Explain the range of skills and attributes necessary to work effectively in the 21st century (ACWSCL025)
Select and use appropriate protocols for communication in workplace contexts (ACWSCL026)
Level of teacher scaffolding: Medium – students can be self-directed but may need support with unpacking the concept of emotional safety. See Tips for Caregivers & Teacher for more safety advice.
Syllabus outcomes: EN4-2A, EN4-4B, EN5-1A, EN5-2A, SC4-11PW, SC4-13ES, SC4-15LW, SC4-5WS, SC4-6WS, SC4-7WS, SC5-11PW, SC5-13ES, SC5-5WS, SC5-6WSSC5-7WS
General capabilities: Literacy, Personal and Social Capability, Ethical Understanding
Time required: 100 minutes.
Tips for teachers and carers: This lesson is designed to be flexible for use with various year levels and across the curriculum. It can easily be tailored or expanded to focus more deeply on the skills that students are exploring in their classroom context. For example, an English teacher might choose to place more focus on comprehension techniques and literacy, a science teacher might choose to focus on qualitative and quantitative data and how to conduct ethical social research, and a pastoral care teacher might choose to focus on qualities of a good leader and when it’s ok, or not ok, to share personal information.
Safety advice: This lesson examines emotional topics that all youngsters will identify with on some level. Consider whether this lesson is appropriate for your kid/s or students.
During this stage of life, trust and vulnerability are huge issues and it’s important youngsters learn how to protect their personal boundaries, particularly in the online environment. It might be appropriate to conduct cyber-safety programs before or after this lesson or to talk to your kid/s or students about what information is best suited to be public or private. Getting this balance right can reduce instances of online and in-person bullying, although it cannot eliminate alone. Emotional safety is a whole community issue and needs to be dealt with from multiple angles.
If you would prefer to remove some of the sections where students answer the questionnaire as themselves, do so. It may also be helpful to focus more on how the leaders respond in the videos, unpacking individual responses and ascertaining whether or not they were sharing public or private information.
Resources required
- Device with internet connection
- IMAGI-NATION Questionnaire
- Pen and paper (optional)
- Timer or app
- Voice-recorder or app (optional)
Additional info
This lesson has been developed in partnership with AIME. AIME is an Imagination Factory that since 2005, has been creating pop-up Imagination Factories on university campuses around the world to unlock the internal narrative of marginalised kids, taking them from a world that tells them they can’t to a world that tells them they can. Kids who experience the Imagination Factory have gone on to achieve educational parity, rise up as entrepreneurs, and take on a whole new mindset that prepares them for success.
AIME created IMAGI-NATION{TV} & the IMAGI-NATION{CLASSROOM} experience to put a mentor in the home every day during the tough times of COVID-19 and beyond. It’s a daily TV show broadcast live on the internet, and it’s a gift for teachers, parents and kids to help make sense of today and imagine tomorrow.
The pursuit is to elevate knowledge; every guest we bring on knows something and has wisdom to share. This show is not just about entertainment to pass the time. We want to remake the mould for the modern hero – from beauty to brains, from selfies to self-knowledge, from hashtags to hope. IMAGI-NATION{TV} is seeking to unlock the best in every single one of us; to inspire a generation of heroes in the form of mentors who fight for a fairer world.
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