From Traditional to Space: Exploring Sustainable Agriculture

From Traditional to Space: Exploring Sustainable Agriculture

  • Secondary
  • Year 9
  • Humanities and Social Sciences
  • Geography
  • Environmental
  • Land Management
  • Sustainability
  • ...

Regenerative agriculture is an approach to farming that focuses on restoring the health of the soil. Farmers who practice regenerative agriculture operate on the principle that soil is a living thing and that caring for the soil is the key to farm productivity. To improve the health of the soil, regenerative farmers turn to the natural environment as inspiration and try to minimise soil disturbance and chemical interference as much as possible.

In this unit students will look the differences between conventional and regenerative farming practices. They will explore how regenerative farming can be used to address a range of challenges in farming, including improving soils, managing pests, increasing crop yields, addressing water loss and retention, and meeting challenges to food production from climate change. They will also have the chance to examine international regenerative farming case studies, and may plan and create their own food producing regenerative garden at their school. This unit also includes a bonus lesson about agricutlure and regenerative farming in space!


  • Lesson
  • ...

Tuning Into Traditional Farming Methods

  • Secondary
  • Year 9
  • Humanities and Social Sciences
  • Geography
  • Environmental
  • Sustainability
  • Lesson
  • ...

Tuning Into Regenerative Farming Practices

  • Secondary
  • Year 9
  • Humanities and Social Sciences
  • Geography
  • Environmental
  • Sustainability
  • Lesson
  • ...

Dig Deep Into the Importance of Soil

  • Secondary
  • Year 9
  • Humanities and Social Sciences
  • Geography
  • Environmental
  • Sustainability
  • Lesson
  • ...

Diversity and Biodiversity in Regenerative Agriculture

  • Secondary
  • Year 9
  • Humanities and Social Sciences
  • Geography
  • Environmental
  • Sustainability
  • Lesson
  • ...

The Effects of Low Crop Yields

  • Secondary
  • Year 9
  • Humanities and Social Sciences
  • Geography
  • Environmental
  • Sustainability
  • Lesson
  • ...

Minibeasts, Pollinators, Organics and Pesticides

  • Secondary
  • Year 9
  • Humanities and Social Sciences
  • Geography
  • Environmental
  • Sustainability
  • Lesson
  • ...

Sustainable Farming Practices in Indonesia

  • Secondary
  • Year 9
  • Humanities and Social Sciences
  • Geography
  • Environmental
  • Sustainability
  • Lesson
  • ...

The Role of Native Foods and Botanicals

  • Secondary
  • Year 9
  • Humanities and Social Sciences
  • Geography
  • Environmental
  • Sustainability
  • Lesson
  • ...

Planning a Regenerative Garden: Part A

  • Secondary
  • Year 9
  • Humanities and Social Sciences
  • Geography
  • Environmental
  • Sustainability
  • Lesson
  • ...

Planning a Regenerative Garden: Part B

  • Secondary
  • Year 9
  • Humanities and Social Sciences
  • Geography
  • Environmental
  • Sustainability
  • Lesson
  • ...

Space Agriculture

  • Secondary
  • Year 9
  • Humanities and Social Sciences
  • Geography
  • Environmental
  • Sustainability
Unit saved in resources

